The uBit Object#
Whenever we need to access any of the ‘operating system’ for the Micro:bit, we have the globally available static object named uBit, which provides references to almost all other functions of the board. One notable exception is the lack of a preconfigured SPI peripheral reference, as we do not currently have any built-in peripherals that use SPI (I2C is our internal bus architecture of choice) so to save space, no SPI object is configured automatically.

Just some of the periperhals available through the uBit object.#
#include "MicroBit.h"
MicroBit uBit;
int main() {
uBit.init(); // Just needs to be called once
uBit.display.scroll( "Hello, World!" );
As the programmer’s interface to the hardware built-in to the board; the uBit object includes everything from the more obvious components such as the display to the built-in flash storage used for long-term log data.
NRFLowLevelTimer systemTimer;
NRFLowLevelTimer adcTimer;
NRFLowLevelTimer capTouchTimer;
Timer timer;
MessageBus messageBus;
NRF52ADC adc;
NRF52TouchSensor touchSensor;
MicroBitIO io;
NRF52Serial serial;
MicroBitI2C i2c;
MicroBitPowerManager power;
MicroBitUSBFlashManager flash;
MicroBitStorage storage; // Persistent key value store
const MatrixMap ledMatrixMap;
MicroBitDisplay display;
Button buttonA;
Button buttonB;
MultiButton buttonAB;
TouchButton logo;
MicroBitRadio radio;
MicroBitThermometer thermometer;
Accelerometer& accelerometer;
Compass& compass;
MicroBitAudio audio;
MicroBitLog log;
It also serves to provide many of the operating system features (fibers, events, etc.) and utility features often required for most programs (delays and sleep, for example).