The uBit Object#
Whenever we need to access any of the ‘operating system’ for the Micro:bit, we have the globally available static object named uBit, which provides references to almost all other functions of the board. One notable exception is the lack of a preconfigured SPI peripheral reference, as we do not currently have any built-in peripherals that use SPI (I2C is our internal bus architecture of choice) so to save space, no SPI object is configured automatically.
#include "MicroBit.h"
MicroBit uBit;
int main() {
uBit.init(); // Just needs to be called once
uBit.display.scroll( "Hello, World!" );
As the programmer’s interface to the hardware built-in to the board; the uBit object includes everything from the more obvious components such as the display to the built-in flash storage used for long-term log data.
NRFLowLevelTimer systemTimer;
NRFLowLevelTimer adcTimer;
NRFLowLevelTimer capTouchTimer;
Timer timer;
MessageBus messageBus;
NRF52ADC adc;
NRF52TouchSensor touchSensor;
MicroBitIO io;
NRF52Serial serial;
MicroBitI2C i2c;
MicroBitPowerManager power;
MicroBitUSBFlashManager flash;
MicroBitStorage storage; // Persistent key value store
const MatrixMap ledMatrixMap;
MicroBitDisplay display;
Button buttonA;
Button buttonB;
MultiButton buttonAB;
TouchButton logo;
MicroBitRadio radio;
MicroBitThermometer thermometer;
Accelerometer& accelerometer;
Compass& compass;
MicroBitAudio audio;
MicroBitLog log;
It also serves to provide many of the operating system features (fibers, events, etc.) and utility features often required for most programs (delays and sleep, for example).